The archives, sorted by media... But otherwise not in any sort of order. Oops. Here is where you can find all of my scans, music, and other files pertaining to things I'm interested in archiving.

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Shippu! Iron Leaguer

An obscure 90s anime about sports, fair play... And war crimes. Surprisingly brutal and well animated for a show featuring chibi sports robots as the main characters, it deals a fair amount with robot rights and personhood, and predictably it captured my gay little heart. I've taken it upon myself to collect all the material I can find on it, and display them here as a resource for others. Note: I do not intend to be hosting video here. Video is big and more likely to get me smote from existence. However, audio and images will be here for your perusal!

Sadly, I don't speak or read Japanese, and the show was never officially translated for Western audiences. All the subs are fan-made, and exist both on youtube and elsewhere. So none of the material here will be in English, but if you happen to know Japanese and can help me in my endeavours of bringing this fun little show to English-speaking audiences, please contact me here on my Tumblr!

Blu-Ray Reference Scans

Blu-Ray Interview Scans

Anime Mini Album Scans

Soccer Game Activity Book Scans

Perfect Guide Scans

Production Material Scans

Pre-Production Documents



Brave Police J-Decker

Another obscure anime that only has fan-made subs, this time about robot police dealing with the fact they're alive for the first time, helping stop mecha and biomonster crime along the way. A bit sillier than Iron Leaguer, BPJD was actually my gateway to the other show! It's cute - right up until it punches you in the gut with feelings - and the mech designs are very appealing. And easy to draw! Fun fact: some of the toys for Brave Police J-Decker were retooled Transformer toys.

Sadly, I have the least archival material for BPJD of all of my collected media. References and production material are frustratingly hard to get one's hands on. I wonder if this means Iron Leaguer was significantly more popular in Japan? Again, please contact me here on my Tumblr if you have anything that could contribute!

Super Encyclopedia Definitive Edition


Babylon 5

A five season long TV show from the 90s about a space station and its fight for peace in an increasingly unstable world. It has a lot of very deep themes, dealing with xenophobia, imperialism, and even things like spirituality and what comes after death. It pulls a little from Lord of the Rings, here and there, but don't be fooled; Babylon 5 is a beast in its own right, and has more than enough to it to stand on its own. However, season 5 was nearly cancelled; the plot beats meant for it were shoved into 4 in a panic, and it shows. However, it's still a must see watch.

Babylon 5 was waaaay more popular in the UK, so North American audiences might not have heard of it despite it being a REALLY good show. It's also unfortunately hard to find online; while you can find Iron Leaguer's subbed episodes here and there on youtube, B5 is not only missing from there (last time I checked, anyway), but also sparse on streaming services. I'm lucky enough to own the box set, so some material from that - not the episodes themselves, but supplementary material - may show up! Feel free to peruse them and take one or two home!




Everyone's favourite media about a helper robot turned fighting hero!

"But Mercy!", I hear you say, "Megaman isn't obscure at all!" And that might be true! But there's always no harm in making material easier for people to access or backing it up in other places, and so I'm hosting some things. Character turnarounds, links to comics (or even the image files themselves!), maybe sprite sheets... Anything I think might be useful for others. So feel free to browse around!

This will probably just be Megaman Classic, at least for now; I am interested in the X series, but I haven't had the chance to really dig into it like I have Classic yet.

Character Turnarounds

Ariga Manga


Another media that DEFINITELY needs no introduction. But it's also definitely old enough to have things that are difficult to find these days, in both material I've already got and material I'd love to get my hands on. You'll find all that I've managed to scrouge up down here!


Comic Scans

Toy Scans