About a Pyro

Hi! As I said on my front page, I'm Mercy. I use they/them pronouns, and I'm queer as fuck! I liken myself to the Pyro a lot; sometimes chaotic, often incomprehensible, and may or may not have set their gender on fire. I'm also known in some very specific Team Fortress 2 servers as Starscream, but that's only for the Air Commander's loyal subjects. ;) I'm also an (currently non-practising, the job market sucks) archaeologist.
This is mostly a place for me to put whatever I want, with the main focus for now being archival work; while I have a lot of interests (a lot of them to do with robots with personhood) that will show up here, I'm particularly interested in an obscure anime called Shippu! Iron Leaguer right now. I'd like to host what I can find of its pre-production and similar materials here! Probably no videos, though. I don't want to get smote out of existence. If you have anything of interest to add to my collection, drop me a message on my Tumblr!
You'll probably also find my own work over in the Gallery and Writings, as I dabble occasionally in art, writing, and AMVs. :3
Consider the whole place a work in progress, though! I'm still figuring out how HTML and CSS actually work through prying apart this template I used, and will be tinkering for probably forever.