A place to catalogue and archive updates - mostly major ones - I do to the site. Will probably forget to update this a lot, almost as much as I forget to update the site...

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Finally poking around at this site after a while of not adding anything more. Current archive updates are on hold until I can get a book scanner (or at least access to one), but there is a LOAD of stuff in the backlog. I actually ended up acquiring an Iron Leaguer script book and a book of what I believe to be Brave Police 'trivia' most recently, but I'm still on the lookout for both the Brave Police art book and the Iron Leaguer movie guide. The latter is definitely a bit of a white whale; I saw it once, but the VERY DAY I had the money... Poof.

Fingers crossed it turns up soon! In the meantime I'm staring at what Buyee describes as 'Iron Leaguer Parody Competitive Collection'. Hopefully it'll still be there in a few days when rent goes out.

Enker is also now on a few more pages. Nothing image heavy, but watch out for him here and there!

Oh yeah, and if you hadn't noticed, I'm logging updates now. ;3